Saturday, October 11, 2014

I been looking for a clean photography website and came across   his site called NIF Magazine

First and for most the site is really visual and clean. It allows for your eyes to roam around and not get lost. The roll overs are really sharp as to having and image and the image react to the roll over this to me is really a nice touch.

The stacking order with the images is also well done, the site gives the fill that it is maintain and kept up to date which gives it the new and fresh look.

The menu bar which is also interactive allows the visitor to explore the site and not get over loaded and feel like the site is disjoined from the message that they are trying to get out.

Over all this is a site that should be looked at and booked mark from web designers and those just looking to create a website for photographers

So please enjoy

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

This site is really put together in a fun and friendly fashion not a lot of bang but the site is clean and organized so the person can move around the site and know where they are at.

The simple design is sometime over looked and forgotten in favor of more complicated ideals that sometime just confuse the person visiting the site.

Even thou the site deals with nudes its just feel like it being dealt in an art manner.

The color of the site deals well with what they are trying to covey and the art on the home page feels right.

The roll over are simple but once again effect

Sometimes there is something to just keeping it simple and to the point

So enjoy until next post.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Now here is a true interactive site that needs to be explored for up and coming web designers.
The site is really engrossing and visual at the same time with mass amount of interconnecting pages and a truly thought out home page.

The roll over are really are really nice and work on a single pass over. Unlike some roll over you know that they are active once you hover over them.

The Only thing that I would have liked to have seen done on this website is for it to let you know where your at to what you have visited

So here you go to those who are waiting for the new release of the Hunger Games
remember the Capitol is waiting


Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Now here is a site that is both fun and educational.

At first this gaming site looks to be mundane but if you look at it closer you see a lot of work that has been put into it.

The interface is really clean and fluid to the design of the webpage it also moves you around with very little effort.

The information and reset to the game are pretty cute and workable.

The down side is there is no information about how to navigate around the system so pretty much it is a close system that the user will just have to know how to work

The site name is below

So all you gamers that want to build a site that users would visit check this site out
