Thursday, November 6, 2014

Here a photography site that has a little edge to it.
The clean page that allows the image to be the main point and allow you to become trap by the visual aspect  that the photographer work is playing out on the web.

The moving slideshow doesn't allow the viewer to become bored and it defeats that fill of everything being static. The slide show is very different from others that I have seen on the web.

The webpages have a wonderful fill as well. The images on the pages either moves left to right with the ability to control the image direction by the small thumbnails at the bottom.

Over all I find that this is a site that has a lot of hope for me to get some really good ideals from.
Here is a site that really interest me in how simple and even handed the site comes across.

The menu bar on the left and his name creates a natural border around the slide show which is his opening page to his website.

From there is the drop down menu that allow you to goto other parts of his website without losing where you are at and you are just one click away from getting back to the index page.

The use of a slide show on each page really makes you fill that the page is keeping the audiences engage with the site and it has a real delicate and created fill .

Each page has the same fill and look so that you know that you can navigate around and not get to loss.
Here is a photography website that even thou it has a lot going on the choice of black makes it fill well to say it nicely dull. The use of the site is at first a little confusing and not at all user friendly at first. The side menu don't quite work for me its a little to big and doesn't quite fit the way the layout flows it fills as if I am going sideways and then up and down.

Great visuals but it doesn't seem that they are presented in a way that makes me go these are great shots I want to go there.

Not a site that I would model my site after
Heres a clean put different site that a photographer did. It chalk full of code and visual effect to engage the audiences  and give it a lively fill.

The rollovers once again is really used well and each image is visually appealing.

It really a very heavy image dominate site that for me really works

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Here is another site that is fresh and clean the use of color makes it feel creative and not in your face look at me.

I find that the color or lack of color and uses of rollover is a great ideal and one to use in my own design process when looking at doing my own website for class or even in the future.

Even thou its a photography website and its loaded with visual appeal it does not feel over whelming as to how the are place.

The flow from page to page is deftly something to keep in mind when one is viewing how to keep thing the same so the viewer don't get lost

I have been looking for sites that would help me to make a better website for myself here is one that was cool and different to how it presented itself. The opening splash page is a continues slide show that makes it feel interactive for the viewer.

The menu bar on the side makes it feel fresh and new and not static like most website can be

So if you are looking for some new fresh ideals here you go